Ok, I see that men have give up...
(too old to reply)
Alpha Man
2008-01-29 09:44:15 UTC
X-No-Archive: yes

Nobody wants to join the alpha men group, so I must assume that
you men prefer being slaves.

Fine. Ok, let feminism continue and you'll see even more male-bashing
on TV, even more anti-male laws and you'll all be labelled sexual
offenders. Fine.

If men don't fight for their rights, they'll lose them. Men will become
second class citizens and all bad things will be blamed on men. And
one day, they'll get rid of men. Concentration camps. The Male Holocaust.

But you prefer whining on the net. Hey, if you don't fight, if you do not
join forces with other men to fight for male issues, 99 Cent of each
Dollar will go to pro-female projects. Yes, they may cure breast cancer
once and for all. But you men, you men should please die as soon as
possible because you're just "a burden to society".

If you don't fight now, there'll be no men left on Earth in the year 2100.
That's my prediction. There'll be only females.Men will be eradicated,
because they're "useless".

Complaining on the net doesn't help. Men must unite to fight for their rights.
If you don't do that, feminism will get more radical until all men are destroyed!

So better join the alpha men group and let's talk about a new society led by

Alpha Man
Day Brown
2008-01-31 06:40:10 UTC
Post by Alpha Man
X-No-Archive: yes
Nobody wants to join the alpha men group, so I must assume that
you men prefer being slaves.
Fine. Ok, let feminism continue and you'll see even more male-bashing
on TV, even more anti-male laws and you'll all be labelled sexual
offenders. Fine.
If men don't fight for their rights, they'll lose them. Men will become
second class citizens and all bad things will be blamed on men. And
one day, they'll get rid of men. Concentration camps. The Male Holocaust.
But you prefer whining on the net. Hey, if you don't fight, if you do not
join forces with other men to fight for male issues, 99 Cent of each
Dollar will go to pro-female projects. Yes, they may cure breast cancer
once and for all. But you men, you men should please die as soon as
possible because you're just "a burden to society".
If you don't fight now, there'll be no men left on Earth in the year 2100.
That's my prediction. There'll be only females.Men will be eradicated,
because they're "useless".
Complaining on the net doesn't help. Men must unite to fight for their rights.
If you don't do that, feminism will get more radical until all men are destroyed!
So better join the alpha men group and let's talk about a new society led by
Alpha Man
My condolences, but you are beating a dead horse. Just cause there
wont be any men like you, much less from your line, dont mean there
wont be any men. Women will keep those lines around that they find
more promising and useful. Its happened before, and women were
remarkably successful at it.

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