Men must stop being lazy, join the alpha men or be a slave!
(too old to reply)
Alpha Man
2007-10-07 07:44:16 UTC
X-No-Archive: yes

I wonder why you men won't join the alpha men group. Are you
no alpha men? Don't you want to be a "creator"? Do you prefer
to be a slave, a "dog" for your mistress? Did feminism make
you gay?

Alpha men are no dumb brutes. We're no neanderthals. A true alpha
man is a leader, but can also be extremly intelligent. A lot of alpha men
have IQs >120. We're able to speak a lot of different languages,
some are math geniuses, some computer wizards.

But we still believe in male muscle power. Oil is getting scarce. Soon
the feminized Western world will fall. Feminism would never have
happened with cheap energy. We won't depend on that.

If you like to work with your brain and your muscles, join us alpha
men. We will create a new society with our brains and muscles. We
will not make fun of "muscle-powered work". Someone who can
build something with his hands will be a great man here. We won't
be slaves of oil companies. We may still use technology, but we
won't depend on it.

A gun may be more powerfil than the sword.True. But once you
run out of ammo, a gun will be worthless. The wise swordsman
will always beat the dumb gun-owner.

We will create, build and father children with our women. That's
what women were created for. They have to work at home, care
for the children while we man do work as farmers, inventors,

If you don't join the alpha men group, feminism will certainly destroy
you. It will go on like this : All men have to register as sex-offenders
and sooner or later you'll lose your job and all your human rights.
Feminists want to destroy men, they don't want equality. Their goal
is a lesbian society without men, procreating by pathogenesis.
But once our feminists turn against our men, other forces, especially
muslims will see our weakness and destroy us. The result will be
a Second Middle Age, this time under the Sharia. I wonder if
feminists do want that. Forced to wear a burka in the caliphat of
Washington. But that's what they'll get. The raghead's birthrate
is high and they do already outnumber us.

We need a new alpha men society or our culture will be destroyed for
good, because of greedy women and the war against men. If we
don't act now, we'll be either dead or slaves of muslims soon!

Alpha Man
the wharf rat
2007-10-07 08:10:49 UTC
Post by Alpha Man
X-No-Archive: yes
I wonder why you men won't join the alpha men group.
Because you're a dingbat. If I liked hanging around with
dingbats I'd still be married.
Post by Alpha Man
A gun may be more powerfil than the sword.True.
Dictionaries can be very useful, too.
Post by Alpha Man
The wise swordsman will always beat the dumb gun-owner.
Pfffft. God created man but Samuel Colt made them equal.
Post by Alpha Man
is a lesbian society without men, procreating by pathogenesis.
Feeudian slip?
Alpha Man
2007-10-08 05:57:38 UTC
X-No-Archive: yes
Post by the wharf rat
Post by Alpha Man
X-No-Archive: yes
I wonder why you men won't join the alpha men group.
Because you're a dingbat. If I liked hanging around with
dingbats I'd still be married.
Ah yes, you prefer to be a slave. But what if your mistress
doesn't want you anymore? Then you're goin to the male
death camp.
Post by the wharf rat
Post by Alpha Man
A gun may be more powerfil than the sword.True.
Dictionaries can be very useful, too.
Errare humanum est.

That was a typo.
Post by the wharf rat
Post by Alpha Man
The wise swordsman will always beat the dumb gun-owner.
Pfffft. God created man but Samuel Colt made them equal.
Once "civilization" has fallen apart, where will you get your ammo?
Your guns will be worthless pieces of metal. Most of you will
be helpless without electricity, oil and stores to buy stuff.

The strong alpha men will survive.
Post by the wharf rat
Post by Alpha Man
is a lesbian society without men, procreating by pathogenesis.
Feeudian slip?
No, that's a possible future if we don't act now!

Alpha Man
the wharf rat
2007-10-08 11:55:48 UTC
Post by Alpha Man
Ah yes, you prefer to be a slave.
Well, sometimes. Being on top everytime is not only boring, it's
too much work.

Let's try and be serious here for a moment, though. I can't support
a female supremacist society because I'm not female. I can't support a
traditional primitive alpha male ruled society because I'm not alpha. If
there's truly not such a thing as a humanist society I'll just sit here and
let all yall fight it out amongst yourselves.
Post by Alpha Man
Once "civilization" has fallen apart, where will you get your ammo?
Lee bench press.

Anyway, I've probably got enough in the closet for the rest
of my lifetime...
Post by Alpha Man
Most of you will
be helpless without electricity, oil and stores to buy stuff.
The collapse of civilisation would seem to be unrelated to
the alpha males rule problem, wouldn't it? Unless you require a return
to savagery to accomplish the latter... Jeez, pal, even in a city there's
plenty of ways to survive at least a temporary Dark Age. Rats, dogs, and
in a pinch other humans for food, water's not a problem unless you live in
Las Vegas, and after a season or two small-scale subsistence farming's
easy enough. It's not clear to me that social dominance is necessarily
linked to primitive survival skills.
Post by Alpha Man
The strong alpha men will survive.
Well, one will at any rate. There can be only one, ya know.
Alpha Man
2007-10-09 09:23:47 UTC
X-No-Archive: yes
Post by the wharf rat
Post by Alpha Man
Ah yes, you prefer to be a slave.
Well, sometimes. Being on top everytime is not only boring, it's
too much work.
Let's try and be serious here for a moment, though. I can't support
a female supremacist society because I'm not female. I can't support a
traditional primitive alpha male ruled society because I'm not alpha. If
there's truly not such a thing as a humanist society I'll just sit here and
let all yall fight it out amongst yourselves.
You don't seem to notice where this extreme feminism is going. Men are
more and more seen as "sexual predators", there are cases of men being
arrested just because they talked to kids!
For the radical feminists,all men are pedophiles. Do you know how many
innocent men are currently in jail, while pedophile women usually do no
time at all?

The media does support this "demonizing of men". You can see photos
of male pedophiles on page 1 of your favourite newspaper. This is getting
worse. Soon men won't be allowed to work with children. Then they'll
lose more rights. Until all men are slaves, ready to be sent to the
elimination camps.
Post by the wharf rat
Post by Alpha Man
Once "civilization" has fallen apart, where will you get your ammo?
Lee bench press.
Anyway, I've probably got enough in the closet for the rest
of my lifetime...
But your supply is limited. The sword will last forever.
Post by the wharf rat
Post by Alpha Man
Most of you will
be helpless without electricity, oil and stores to buy stuff.
The collapse of civilisation would seem to be unrelated to
the alpha males rule problem, wouldn't it? Unless you require a return
to savagery to accomplish the latter... Jeez, pal, even in a city there's
plenty of ways to survive at least a temporary Dark Age. Rats, dogs, and
in a pinch other humans for food, water's not a problem unless you live in
Las Vegas, and after a season or two small-scale subsistence farming's
easy enough. It's not clear to me that social dominance is necessarily
linked to primitive survival skills.
No, think about radioactive fallout. Depending on the nukes that
will be used to destroy cities and they certainly will be used, either
by terrorist suicide bombers or delivered by ICBMs from China
or Russia, some cities will be uninhabitable for years. The bad
isotopes of Strontium and Caesium have half-lives of about 30 years.
That's much worse than Pu239 with about 24000years or the
million/billion of years uranium isotopes have.

That's bad, because the human body does substitute calcium or
sodium (in case of Caesium) with these. That means cancer for you.

Since most of our "civilization" is stored in cities, much will be lost

So the "post-war" civilization will be rural,tribal with not much
technology. We'll not have access to much energy. Think
Mad Max in the "Road Warrior". Swords and bows/x-bows as
long-range weapons will be our weapons of choice and only
strong leaders, alpha men can lead such a tribe or it will be
Post by the wharf rat
Post by Alpha Man
The strong alpha men will survive.
Well, one will at any rate. There can be only one, ya know.
This isn't Highlander. We alpha men are no dumb brutes. In fact,
alpha men can be quite intelligent. Being a big and strong leader
doesn't equal being a dumb neanderthal.
the wharf rat
2007-10-09 10:58:33 UTC
Post by Alpha Man
X-No-Archive: yes
You don't seem to notice where this extreme feminism is going.
Well, sure I do. I just don't believe that male supremacy is
the correct answer to female supremacy.
Post by Alpha Man
Soon men won't be allowed to work with children. Then they'll
lose more rights. Until all men are slaves, ready to be sent to the
elimination camps.
I'm not sure if I'd call that a slippery slope or a simple
non sequitur, but either way it's bullshit. It does seem inevitable
that men will continue to be marginalized in Western society until some
tipping point is reached, but I don't think this kind of Chicken Little
nonsense is terribly productive.

You're not inciting great confidence in your leadership abilities,
ya know that? Fuzzy emotional thinking is not a desirable trait in any
leader never mind the alpha male type.
Post by Alpha Man
But your supply is limited. The sword will last forever.
Nope. First of all, a sword doesn't last forever, not if you use
it. Secondly, even in a post-industrial apocolypse there'll be plenty of
sources for ammunition. Lead will be freely available from abandonded
automobiles. Gunpowder is just saltpeter (from the latrine) and charcoal.
(Sulfur isn't strictly necessary). The brass cases last forever, or we
could fall back to muzzle-loaders.

Hell, you can make a shotgun from two pieces of pipe.
Post by Alpha Man
No, think about radioactive fallout.
How does a sword protect you from fallout?
Post by Alpha Man
So the "post-war" civilization will be rural,tribal with not much
Well, if civilization's going to be destroyed I don't need to
worry about my place in it, do I?
Alpha Man
2007-10-10 12:08:10 UTC
X-No-Archive: yes
Post by the wharf rat
Post by Alpha Man
X-No-Archive: yes
You don't seem to notice where this extreme feminism is going.
Well, sure I do. I just don't believe that male supremacy is
the correct answer to female supremacy.
Male supremacy does work better, indeed. Unlike feminists, we
don't destroy women. They are our subs, yes, but we do not
demonize, degrade and destroy them. They'll be the mothers of
our children.

Radical feminists, however, want to eradicate the male gender and
replace sex by pathogenesis or lesbian/lesbian reproduction. Big difference.

Even radical homosexual men don't go that far.
Post by the wharf rat
Post by Alpha Man
Soon men won't be allowed to work with children. Then they'll
lose more rights. Until all men are slaves, ready to be sent to the
elimination camps.
I'm not sure if I'd call that a slippery slope or a simple
non sequitur, but either way it's bullshit. It does seem inevitable
that men will continue to be marginalized in Western society until some
tipping point is reached, but I don't think this kind of Chicken Little
nonsense is terribly productive.
If we don't do anything about it a let this feminist crap continue, let
them further demonize men, then it will lead to the enslavement
and finally the extermination of men.

Do you think that doing nothing will help? Why are there so few
male activist groups? Men seem to be lazy and not aware of the
dangers of feminism. If you don't fight for your rights, you'll lose
them. If you don't fight for your freedom, you'll lose it.

Most men are sticking their heads into the sand, hoping the feminist
nightmare will be over soon. It won't. If nothing is done, they, the
feminists, will continue to degrade men.
Post by the wharf rat
You're not inciting great confidence in your leadership abilities,
ya know that? Fuzzy emotional thinking is not a desirable trait in any
leader never mind the alpha male type.
I'm reading newspapers and I'm just saying where our society is
heading and I'm fed up with it. As a male leader you have to be
careful not to be arrested. The feminists like to dump "dangerous
men" in jails. Men are arrested and jailed for ridiculous causes.

That's why it's time to build a new society somewhere else and
it's not only the men who are fed up with this crap. There are
a lot of women who'd be happy to just be mothers and
subservient wives.

Men should finally unite and work together. The "good" women
can join us to be wives and mothers. We'll make a society where
men are men, where boys can be boys without being drugged
with Ritalin and where girls will be just girls and no "men with
We'll be much stronger than anything this femocracy can
Post by the wharf rat
Post by Alpha Man
But your supply is limited. The sword will last forever.
Nope. First of all, a sword doesn't last forever, not if you use
it. Secondly, even in a post-industrial apocolypse there'll be plenty of
sources for ammunition. Lead will be freely available from abandonded
automobiles. Gunpowder is just saltpeter (from the latrine) and charcoal.
(Sulfur isn't strictly necessary). The brass cases last forever, or we
could fall back to muzzle-loaders.
But what if that knowledge gets lost, like most of the knowledge
of ancient Rome got lost in the Dark Ages? The sword definitely
is the best weapon for close combat. And we may also use
bows as ranged weapons. Easy to make, good for hunting.
Post by the wharf rat
Hell, you can make a shotgun from two pieces of pipe.
Post by Alpha Man
No, think about radioactive fallout.
How does a sword protect you from fallout?
It doesn't. But I was talking about cities and you won't be able
to use goods from a city that was polluted by fallout.
Post by the wharf rat
Post by Alpha Man
So the "post-war" civilization will be rural,tribal with not much
Well, if civilization's going to be destroyed I don't need to
worry about my place in it, do I?
This will happen, sooner or later and being a leader is your
best chance of survival. Radical feminism has greatly weakened
all of us. It's not good for us and it will certainly lead to
the fall of our civilization if we don't stop it now, but it's
getting worse every day,so our civilization will fall.

And you need to be prepared for that. Only the strong
will survive. Those who depend on electricity will surely

Alpha Man
the wharf rat
2007-10-10 12:48:07 UTC
Post by Alpha Man
Male supremacy does work better, indeed. Unlike feminists, we
don't destroy women.
What you term "destruction" is nothing more than the conversion
of men to chattel. That's exactly the situation women were in during the
ascendancy of the patriarchy (to coin a phrase...) It seems that no
matter *who's* on top the one on the bottom seems to get the same treatment.
That's one reason that I believe that the only permanent solution to this
kind of see-saw rollercoaster running social battle is true equality, not
in the sense of being all the same but in the sense of being all one people.
I try to treat women as female people rather than "women", "women" being a
kind of flawed social construct designed to limit the number of independent
variables. That's what throws off your model, you know.
Post by Alpha Man
They are our subs
Tal! Alpha Man of Gor!

I don't want subs. I want friends, lovers, and partners.
Post by Alpha Man
Radical feminists, however, want to eradicate the male gender and
Well, yes, but extremism is generally a sign of insanity and doesn't
accurately describe the mean. Very few women want that, in the same way
that very (very!) few men would support that sex farm nonsense that floats
around here like farts in an elevator.
Post by Alpha Man
it will lead to the enslavement and finally the extermination of men.
I don't think so. If the problem continues to worsen it'll eventually
become self-correcting; either the men will leave and join another society,
and/or the society will collapse since using less than half of their productive
power will make it unable to compete with healthier cultures. That's what's
happening to the radical Isalmic cultures such as Afghanistan.
Post by Alpha Man
Do you think that doing nothing will help?
I don't do nothing. I'm following the advice of Gandhi: "Be
the change you wish to see in the world". My model has only people,
not males and females. What injustice is within my reach I try to correct.
What is not, I cannot, and never will be able to.
Post by Alpha Man
As a male leader you have to be careful not to be arrested.
Can you explain that?
Post by Alpha Man
The sword definitely is the best weapon for close combat.
No, the stick is. _Maybe_ a knife.
Post by Alpha Man
bows as ranged weapons. Easy to make, good for hunting.
Ha ha. Ever tried to make a useful bow?
Post by Alpha Man
And you need to be prepared for that. Only the strong
will survive. Those who depend on electricity will surely
At least I'll leave a good looking corpse.
Alpha Man
2007-10-11 12:52:01 UTC
X-No-Archive: yes
Post by the wharf rat
Post by Alpha Man
Male supremacy does work better, indeed. Unlike feminists, we
don't destroy women.
What you term "destruction" is nothing more than the conversion
of men to chattel. That's exactly the situation women were in during the
ascendancy of the patriarchy (to coin a phrase...) It seems that no
matter *who's* on top the one on the bottom seems to get the same treatment.
That's one reason that I believe that the only permanent solution to this
kind of see-saw rollercoaster running social battle is true equality, not
in the sense of being all the same but in the sense of being all one people.
I try to treat women as female people rather than "women", "women" being a
kind of flawed social construct designed to limit the number of independent
variables. That's what throws off your model, you know.
The point is that men and women are not equal. Men are
those who have to decide, to build and to invent things while
women have to bear children and care for them and the home.

Feminism is a perversion, it turns women into men, have them
compete with men and at the end neither men nor women will be

What about all those 40+yo spinsters without kids? They may have
a university degree but no kids. They'll die as lonely old spinsters.
What can they do with the money they're earning? Just buy crap
that they don't really need. The only winners are those who're
selling that crap and who're offering appartments for singles.

Many of these women with university degrees will end as lonely
old spinsters with cats. And they will be forgotten by the world
and the universe. You see, the birth rates are declining in the
Western world. In the US, it's mostly the Hispanics who're
still having kids. In Europe, the situation is even more dire,
the Europeans are quicikly being outbred by muslims who don't care for
European values at all. You can guess where that leads.

We'd provide women with the opportunity to have kids. And they
wouldn't be struggling single moms in our society. They could
have kids, care for them and since we'd support polyamory, they'd
have a lot of "sisters" helping them with raising the kids while
we men build, invent and fix things.
Post by the wharf rat
Post by Alpha Man
They are our subs
Tal! Alpha Man of Gor!
I don't want subs. I want friends, lovers, and partners.
Having a sub doesn't mean to be an abusive master. We're their
protectors, we care for them, they can rely on us. We provide
security. They provide love and children.
Post by the wharf rat
Post by Alpha Man
Radical feminists, however, want to eradicate the male gender and
Well, yes, but extremism is generally a sign of insanity and doesn't
accurately describe the mean. Very few women want that, in the same way
that very (very!) few men would support that sex farm nonsense that floats
around here like farts in an elevator.
Yes, but you see, these radical feminist ideas are supported by the media.
Women can talk about this crap in the media. A man who'd talk about these
sex farms in the media would be flamed, fired and sued. But male-bashing
is so ok. Just check the news.
Post by the wharf rat
Post by Alpha Man
it will lead to the enslavement and finally the extermination of men.
I don't think so. If the problem continues to worsen it'll eventually
become self-correcting; either the men will leave and join another society,
and/or the society will collapse since using less than half of their productive
power will make it unable to compete with healthier cultures. That's what's
happening to the radical Isalmic cultures such as Afghanistan.
This feminist crap is getting worse, trust me and it won't get any better if
men don't ally against it. If men don't have the right to speak in public
against feminism without being flamed, fired and sued, something is
very wrong.
That's why I want to leave to build a new society somewhere else.I see
that our current society is so anti-male and that men don't really care,
it simply has to end in a catastrophe.

Say what you want about the muslims, they're multiplying like crazy. They
do outnumber us. And they have nukes (Pakistan). They're a very medieval
cult and like vultures they're smelling our weakness. They'll come for
us and if we continue to bash our men, fathers and sons, we will certainly
be destroyed.
Post by the wharf rat
Post by Alpha Man
Do you think that doing nothing will help?
I don't do nothing. I'm following the advice of Gandhi: "Be
the change you wish to see in the world". My model has only people,
not males and females. What injustice is within my reach I try to correct.
What is not, I cannot, and never will be able to.
But the current system does treat women much better than men. Boys
are drugged with Ritalin. Nobody cares for men and boys anymore.
The news are full of "girls are great", "women are better" and
"men are sexual predators" crap. The media is bashing males and it's
getting unbearable. The legal system does bash males, too. A
man needs to be careful these days or he'll go to prison.
Post by the wharf rat
Post by Alpha Man
As a male leader you have to be careful not to be arrested.
Can you explain that?
Simple. You need to be careful around women. If you touch them
they may later decide that it was "sexual harassement" and you'll
go to jail. If you sleep with them, consentual, they may later
decide that it was "rape" and you'll go to jail. You may have
an argument with your girlfriend and someone calls the cops.
You, the man, will go to jail. You are seen with an underage
girl. Someone tells the cops. You'll go to jail, even if you didn't
do anything.

And the list goes on.
Post by the wharf rat
Post by Alpha Man
The sword definitely is the best weapon for close combat.
No, the stick is. _Maybe_ a knife.
The sword was a successful weapon for millenia. A good
warrior usually has more than one weapon. An additional
knife or dagger does never hurt.
Post by the wharf rat
Post by Alpha Man
bows as ranged weapons. Easy to make, good for hunting.
Ha ha. Ever tried to make a useful bow?
Yes. People have made bows centuries ago and it still works
like this.
Post by the wharf rat
Post by Alpha Man
And you need to be prepared for that. Only the strong
will survive. Those who depend on electricity will surely
At least I'll leave a good looking corpse.
But you also be a slave. It's a much better idea to do something
now and not to wait for the destruction of our society.

Alpha Man
2007-10-09 17:23:31 UTC
Post by Alpha Man
X-No-Archive: yes
I wonder why you men won't join the alpha men group. Are you
no alpha men? Don't you want to be a "creator"? Do you prefer
to be a slave, a "dog" for your mistress? Did feminism make
you gay?
Alpha men are no dumb brutes. We're no neanderthals. A true alpha
man is a leader, but can also be extremly intelligent. A lot of alpha men
have IQs >120. We're able to speak a lot of different languages,
some are math geniuses, some computer wizards.
But we still believe in male muscle power. Oil is getting scarce. Soon
the feminized Western world will fall. Feminism would never have
happened with cheap energy. We won't depend on that.
If you like to work with your brain and your muscles, join us alpha
men. We will create a new society with our brains and muscles. We
will not make fun of "muscle-powered work". Someone who can
build something with his hands will be a great man here. We won't
be slaves of oil companies. We may still use technology, but we
won't depend on it.
A gun may be more powerfil than the sword.True. But once you
run out of ammo, a gun will be worthless. The wise swordsman
will always beat the dumb gun-owner.
We will create, build and father children with our women. That's
what women were created for. They have to work at home, care
for the children while we man do work as farmers, inventors,
If you don't join the alpha men group, feminism will certainly destroy
you. It will go on like this : All men have to register as sex-offenders
and sooner or later you'll lose your job and all your human rights.
Feminists want to destroy men, they don't want equality. Their goal
is a lesbian society without men, procreating by pathogenesis.
But once our feminists turn against our men, other forces, especially
muslims will see our weakness and destroy us. The result will be
a Second Middle Age, this time under the Sharia. I wonder if
feminists do want that. Forced to wear a burka in the caliphat of
Washington. But that's what they'll get. The raghead's birthrate
is high and they do already outnumber us.
We need a new alpha men society or our culture will be destroyed for
good, because of greedy women and the war against men. If we
don't act now, we'll be either dead or slaves of muslims soon!
Alright, I'll join. Where is it?

Post by Alpha Man
Alpha Man
Alpha Man
2007-10-10 12:12:10 UTC
X-No-Archive: yes
Post by Masculist
Post by Alpha Man
X-No-Archive: yes
I wonder why you men won't join the alpha men group. Are you
no alpha men? Don't you want to be a "creator"? Do you prefer
to be a slave, a "dog" for your mistress? Did feminism make
you gay?
Alpha men are no dumb brutes. We're no neanderthals. A true alpha
man is a leader, but can also be extremly intelligent. A lot of alpha men
have IQs >120. We're able to speak a lot of different languages,
some are math geniuses, some computer wizards.
But we still believe in male muscle power. Oil is getting scarce. Soon
the feminized Western world will fall. Feminism would never have
happened with cheap energy. We won't depend on that.
If you like to work with your brain and your muscles, join us alpha
men. We will create a new society with our brains and muscles. We
will not make fun of "muscle-powered work". Someone who can
build something with his hands will be a great man here. We won't
be slaves of oil companies. We may still use technology, but we
won't depend on it.
A gun may be more powerfil than the sword.True. But once you
run out of ammo, a gun will be worthless. The wise swordsman
will always beat the dumb gun-owner.
We will create, build and father children with our women. That's
what women were created for. They have to work at home, care
for the children while we man do work as farmers, inventors,
If you don't join the alpha men group, feminism will certainly destroy
you. It will go on like this : All men have to register as sex-offenders
and sooner or later you'll lose your job and all your human rights.
Feminists want to destroy men, they don't want equality. Their goal
is a lesbian society without men, procreating by pathogenesis.
But once our feminists turn against our men, other forces, especially
muslims will see our weakness and destroy us. The result will be
a Second Middle Age, this time under the Sharia. I wonder if
feminists do want that. Forced to wear a burka in the caliphat of
Washington. But that's what they'll get. The raghead's birthrate
is high and they do already outnumber us.
We need a new alpha men society or our culture will be destroyed for
good, because of greedy women and the war against men. If we
don't act now, we'll be either dead or slaves of muslims soon!
Alright, I'll join. Where is it?
alt.men.alpha on your newsreader


on Google

Please ignore the trolls and the spammers.

Alpha Man
Jude Alexander
2007-10-11 22:47:07 UTC
There is a better way than being a slaver or a slave. Stop thinking with
your basest instincts and reach for your better ones.

2007-10-10 21:56:28 UTC
Post by Alpha Man
X-No-Archive: yes
I wonder why you men won't join the alpha men group. [...]
A real Alpha Men doesn't beg.

A real Alpha Man doesn't join beggars.

A real Alpha Man doesn't label himself an "Alpha Man".

You're no Alpha Man, punk.
Logically, if men made the rules,
the world would be organized to provide
them with the things they want most.

Men want sex. If men ruled the world,
they could get sex anywhere. Restaurants
would give you sex instead of breath mints
on the way out. Gas stations would give sex
with every fill-up. Banks would give sex
to anyone who opened a checking account.

Scott Adams, _The Dilbert Future_,
page 109
Alpha Man
2007-10-11 12:56:30 UTC
X-No-Archive: yes
Post by Society
Post by Alpha Man
X-No-Archive: yes
I wonder why you men won't join the alpha men group. [...]
A real Alpha Men doesn't beg.
A real Alpha Man doesn't join beggars.
A real Alpha Man doesn't label himself an "Alpha Man".
You're no Alpha Man, punk.
A real Alpha Man isn't a dumb neanderthal wielding a club.
A real Alpha Man does think strategically and he'll look for
allies and that's what I'm doing.

Only a dumb Alpha Man would do anything by himself and
he'd fail miserably.

If you prefer to live in a feminist hellhole like the US, fine for
you, but please don't complain when they do introduce a
"testicle tax" for men and finally castrate you, so that you'll
be a nice slave for your lesbian feminist mistress.

Alpha Man
2007-10-11 18:03:38 UTC
Post by Alpha Man
X-No-Archive: yes
Post by Society
Post by Alpha Man
X-No-Archive: yes
I wonder why you men won't join the alpha men group. [...]
A real Alpha Men doesn't beg.
A real Alpha Man doesn't join beggars.
A real Alpha Man doesn't label himself an "Alpha Man".
You're no Alpha Man, punk.
A real Alpha Man isn't a dumb neanderthal wielding a club.
A real Alpha Man does think strategically and he'll look for
allies and that's what I'm doing.
Only a dumb Alpha Man would do anything by himself and
he'd fail miserably.
If you prefer to live in a feminist hellhole like the US, fine for
you, but please don't complain when they do introduce a
"testicle tax" for men and finally castrate you, so that you'll
be a nice slave for your lesbian feminist mistress.
That's telling him Alpha Man. You're a role model for Alpha Men.

I joined and will participate eventually.

Post by Alpha Man
Alpha Man