Don't you men want to escape femifascism? Did they already cut off your balls?
(too old to reply)
Alpha Man
2007-09-30 03:37:09 UTC
X-No-Archive: yes

I wonder why men won't join the alpha men group to
build a new society ruled by alpha males.

We men still have money, we still have education and
we are still free to buy land and to found a new country.

We still can do this. Soon this will be impossible. Our sons
are already neutered at school, taught to be submissive slaves
of a dominant class of lesbian females. Those who cannot be
turned into slaves will be sent to jail. Yes, all these great men,
alpha males, potential leaders do rot in a cell.

So join me and let's create a society where men rule. A society
with alpha males having female slaves in harems. We'll be
successful. We'll build great cities. Our society will be great,
while femifascist America will be overrun by the enemy. The
Chinese, the Muslism and the Russians are hungry for our land.

See - the Dollar is already worthless. Thanks to feminism. It will
get worse. Sooner or later we'll be under attack and the enemy
will win.

To save our genes, we need to create a place
where men rule. Let's work together to create this place. We
will survive while America is destroyed by the enemy. America's
feminized soldiers won't be able to defend it. They can't even
defeat a few desert people in Iraq. They can't do anything
against Iran. Iran will build the bomb and the US is too weak
to fight them, them - a bunch of Third Worlders!

Join alt.men.alpha and let's build the alpha male society, based
on John Norman's GOR books, we men will rule and women
will be slaves.

We'll produce a new race of proud, strong warriors. The USA
will fall. We won't. They are depending on oil. Peak Oil already
happened. We won't. Our main resource will be male muscle
power and male energy, male innovations, male brains and
the ability of the females to give us many healthy children!

Alpha Man
2007-09-30 15:30:38 UTC
What group is the most anti-feminist on the planet? The Muslims
obviously. Maybe they even go too far. But they are certainly on the
right side of the fence. Mussolini knew that very well:

In March 1937 Mussolini made a spectacular state visit to Libya, where
he opened a new military highway running the entire length of the
colon., He had himself declared protector of Islam and was presented
with a symbolic sword.


the Italian dictator Benito Mussolini arranged for Muslim notables
from Italian-ruled Libya to gird him with the "sword of Islam" during
a visit to Tripoli. "Muslims may rest assured," Mussolini intoned on
that occasion, "that Italy will always be the friend and protector of
Islam throughout the world." His foreign minister declared Muslim
values perfectly compatible with fascism: "The Islamic world, in
accordance with its traditions, loves in the Duce the wisdom of the
statesman united to the action of the warrior."74


Mussolini vows to help the Palestinian cause against the Jews.


http://www.ihr.org/ http://www.natvan.com

http://www.thebirdman.org http://www.nsm88.com/

